Meet “Nibbles.” She is a 7 year old pug having some spinal issues. This creates the back end to be unsteady, as well as dragging the left rear leg. She is receiving acupuncture and laser therapy to help support and aid in her quality of life.

This is “Vonni.” She is an 8 year old Doberman, weighing 76 pounds. She has been receiving acupuncture for 6 months to help heal a soft tissue / nerve injury in her back left leg. Because of having a liver problem, she was unable to take a lot of medications to help heal her leg. Dr Lindsay has been giving her acupuncture as an alternative treatment. It has also helped stabilize her liver and gall badder. Check out the photo’s, “Vonni” loves her treatments! It’s like getting a giant message! She just lays there and falls asleep.

Dr Ann is currently going to continued education to become certified in acupuncture as well.

Thanks for helping with the pain Dr Lindsay, and for prolonging my life by acupuncturing my liver, gall bladder, and bladder points!(Jan. 19, 2015)

Meet “Gus”. He’s a 5 year old, 11 pond loving cat. He’s been missing since Friday January 16, 2015. The nights have been very cold, and the days have been foggy and misty. The owner has been searching for “Gus” frantically since Friday, and today (Monday) she has found him. He was tangled in the fence! She cut him free and rushed him in immediately! At first we thought that the wire was impaled in him. After the x-ray, further examination, and shaving away the fur, we were able to untwist him out of it without any surgery!Take a look at the pictures! He will stay hospitalized with us to monitor him for the return of hind end circulation and organ function. “Gus” was appreciative to have the fence, the size of a bracelet, removed from his waist.

Meet “Koa”, an adult black lab. He dug out on July 5, 2014 because of the sound of fireworks from a post Fourth of July firework celebration. Today, July 22, 2014 a client found him running loose and noticed that he needed medical attention. With swollen, raw paws, thin, and very tired, he was brought into Ripon Vet to be treated and scanned for a microchip. “Koa” scanned positive for a chip and his owners were called. He was joyfully reunited with his family today after seeking medical attention! This is one of the many reasons why it’s important to microchip your pets.

On April 22, 2014 we saw a 10 year old Border Collie by the name of “Macy.” She was presented to us as an “inherited dog.” Her history was unknown. The complaint from the new owner was drinking a lot of water and straining to urinate. After palpating a hard mass in the abdomen, the Dr took an x-ray. This confirmed a very large bladder stone. Blood work was ran and surgery was performed to remove the bladder stone. “Macy” recovered well.

This is “Adam.” He was rescued by an employee from an abusive situation. His back right rear leg was so mangled that there was no saving it. Money was raised on facebook for this sweet puppy to have his leg amputated. After surgery “Adam” has adapted well to being a three legged family member of Tasha.

Go Adam!!! Healed well, and enjoying a better life. The power of love, brings forth gratitude from our furry friends.